We do an enormous amount of planning and education about giving birth, without much focus on how we recover and take care of ourselves afterwards. Many cultures are better than the West at acknowledging this special time for what it is. Birth is life altering and deserves a time period to rest and be nourished with warming food and healing practices.
Below is a delicious recipe for Carrot Soup that will warm the body, help with digestion and has herbs that are beneficial for milk supply.

8 medium sized organic carrots, chopped
1 tablespoon ghee, butter or coconut oil
water to cover
1/4 tsp fennel powder
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp coriander powder
1/8 tsp turmeric powder
1/8 tsp fenugreek powder
Good quality salt to taste
cilantro to garnish
Saute herbs in fats until aromatic, add carrots and cover with water. Maintain a slow rolling boil until carrots have softened. Can be eaten now, or for a creamy texture, use an immersion blender or cool and use a blender or food processor. Goes well topped with chopped cilantro and sour cream or skyr.
Credit, recipe adapted from the Carrot Bliss Soup Recipe provided by the Sacred Ayurveda program.